Our House


For almost 70 years, Valley/Bridge House, Inc. has held out the hand of hope to individuals who have sought recovery from alcoholism and substance abuse. It remains dedicated to the care, treatment and rehabilitation of the suffering addicted person, no matter what substance they are addicted to.

Valley House was founded in 1955 as a non-profit to aid and assist those destitute chronic alcoholics being released from jails and hospitals. The intent was to arrest alcoholism through the use of the principles of sober living, counseling, and rehabilitation.  Its sister house, Bridge House, was founded in 1972 to accommodate the increasing requests for services for addiction to drugs and chemical dependence. 




Our Approach

It is the mission of Valley/Bridge House to provide a comprehensive program of addiction treatment services to empower and improve the quality of life of our clients. Our evidence based curriculums, Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT) and Criminal and Addicted Thinking, are proven curriculums that promote personal growth.

These strategies are designed to enhance self-image and self-esteem, promote positive growth, and produce higher stages of moral reasoning. Individual, group, and family session are provided. Self help meetings are available twice a week at the facility.


Our Accreditation

Valley/Bridge House is accredited by CARF - the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities - to provide inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services.  Valley/Bridge House is the oldest licensed rehabilitation facility in Maryland.    

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Family Cookout Group

Our Facility

Our male facility accommodates 20 beds to serve the population of Baltimore City. We also have two beds on reserve for emergency client placement.

  • Clients live in a facility that promotes cleanliness and self-esteem. 

  • Clients are served three nutritious meals per day and snacks. 

  • All clients are subject to random Urinalysis testing and Breathalyzer.

  • All clients are to attend a minimum of two (2) Self-Help meetings per week: A.A. or N.A. 

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